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Curious about what Estii is? We'll show you right here and in the articles that follow. Lets go!

What is Estii?

Estii transforms how your teams approaches estimates, offering unparalleled pipeline visibility and seamless integration with your existing platforms, ultimately bridging the gap between sales and delivery. This platform empowers your business to:

  • Deliver better estimates: With Estii, you're not just estimating; you're ensuring accuracy, efficiency, and consistency in every quote. Our tools enable you to collaboratively define scopes, fine-tune pricing, and adapt to various scenarios, ensuring your estimates reflect the true value of your services.
  • Enhance Pipeline Visibility: Stay ahead with real-time insights into your deal lifecycle. Estii gives you a clear view of your opportunities, from initial contact to deal closure, helping you make informed decisions and strategically steer your sales and delivery efforts.
  • Seamless Integration: Estii fits effortlessly into your existing ecosystem, connecting with your CRM, project management, and financial software. This integration ensures a smooth flow of information, reducing manual work and the risk of errors, making your processes more efficient.

By addressing these key areas, Estii not only improves the quality of your estimates but also strengthens the synergy between your sales and delivery teams, ensuring a smoother transition and more successful outcomes.

Estii is different from a spreadsheet or traditional quoting platform in a number of ways. And once you master these basics you turn project estimation and forecasting into a strategic advantage.

Scope, schedule and features in Estii
Scope, schedule and features in Estii