What is a resource?


A Resource is the collective term for any time or quantity based asset (such as a role, team, product or service) with a predefined price, that can be used in estimates.

Resources are defined at the space level, and shared across deals to align the price and margin of common estimates.

Deals store a versioned copy of the space resources, and provide an update workflow to review and synchronise with the latest changes.

This document describes the four types of resources - fixed price, roles, streams and products.

Fixed price

A fixed price resource is a numeric value in your space currency.

Fixed price is the default resource type available to all deals.


A Role is a unique skillset or job type that can be used in estimates

Roles are the foundation of all time-based estimates in Estii, and are common across the space.

The roles screen
The roles screen

Rate cards

A Rate Card is a specific set of rates (cost, price, margin) for all the roles in your space.

The default rate card contains the baseline cost and price for all roles in the space, along with a default margin and rate (hour, day, etc) for calculating prices.

Business and enterprise customers can create additional rate card 'variants' to manage different rates for specific regions, cost-centres or pricing strategies (e.g. rush rates).

Every Deal has an active rate card that determines the price (and margin) of roles and time-based estimates in that deal. Business and enterprise customers can change the active Rate Card within a deal (or phase) to recalculate the overall price and profitability

Settings for the default rate card
Settings for the default rate card


A Stream is a groups of roles that typically work together on common activities or deliverables.

Streams are a simple, yet powerful concept in Estii that makes it easier to assign time (or a percentages of time) from multiple roles against a single estimate.

Streams are also used to track the total time and cost attributed to each stream across all features, and to determine the price and duration of deliverables.

The streams screen
The streams screen

Editing a stream
Editing a stream


A Product is unit-based resource that can be used to estimate recurring services or one-off expenses.

Editing a product
Editing a product