Guest invites 😲

NOV 30, 2022

Guest invites, schedule UX improvements, deal export improvements


This release is full of improvements based on customer requests and feedback

  • Guest invites - You can now add read-only members that don't count towards your paid seats.
  • Schedule UX improvements - we've improved the legibility of different states
  • Deal export improvements- added a stats tab containing all the low level calculations
  • Deal update improvements - added instructions inside sample deals to reduce confusion

Guest invites

You can now invite read-only guests to your space that don't count towards your paid seats.

  • Guests can review deals and libraries, but not edit anything.
  • Guests are available on all paid plans (Team, Business, Enterprise)
  • The number of allowed guests increases with the number of paid seats in your subscription
  • You are entitled to 2 guests per paid seats (so 2+ for Teams, 10+ for Business, 20+ for Enterprise)
  • You can also also promote a guest to a full paying seat.

Space guests
Space guests

Schedule UX improvements

Based on customer feedback, we've updated the schedule view to improve legibility of distinct states. Partial allocations now have a sawtooth style that is easier to identify in complex schedules.

Schedule improvements
Schedule improvements

Deal export improvements

Customers love the new deal export, but wanted even more. So we've added an extra tab containing all the low level stats (our term for individual resource allocations) by resource, phase, category, feature, task and estimate (i.e. everything).

Deal ex[prt]
Deal ex[prt]

Deal update improvements

Sample deals don't use your space resources, but that's not always obvious to new users. So we've added a notification to sample deals to let you know that changes won't appear.

Deal update
Deal update

We've also improved the messaging when updates only contains superficial changes. We also apologise to any interns who were unfairly reprimanded due to misunderstandings 😊

Deal update empty
Deal update empty

Other fixes

  • Fixed a bug displaying Deal update's from the jurassic period (”updated almost 52856 years ago”)
  • Includes a deal update messages when a product range has been modified that doesn't effect price (e.g. max units or cost)
  • New service / expense estimates correctly default to 1 unit