Scope by risk level ✳️
OCT 2022
Scope by risk level, improved deal updates, enhanced light & dark mode and corner styles for themes
Over the last few weeks we’ve released a number of small improvements to the platform - across features, design and performance.
Scope by risk level
You can now toggle scope based on risk. This works across features, services and expenses.
We also updated the risk colours to red, yellow and green
Light mode ❤️ dark mode
You might have already noticed, but a few weeks ago we made a number of tweaks to the UI to make light and dark modes more consistent and even more amazing than before.
Persistent task state
While in a deal, Estii now remembers which features/tasks are expanded or collapsed.
Improved deal updates
We’ve made a bunch of improvements to the update deal dialog - specifically for streams
- Streams are now grouped separately from roles
- Streams include a summary of role changes (such as a remapped or substituted roles) even when there isn’t a change in price
- Remapped roles (when a role is deleted) now correctly update any impacted streams
Corner styles on themes ⇱
For those that think it is hip to be square (or just hate rounded corners in general), you can now set the corner style for your themes
Just be careful, because those square corners can be very sharp!
Updated overview video
To go along with the updated UI (and all the recent big features), we also released an updated overview video.
Other fixes and improvements
There are a lot of other improvements under the hood. Here are a few worth mentioning:
- Deal viewer loads 10x faster than before
- Improved handling for long titles on spaces, users, roles, etc
- Scope and schedule settings panels are now sticky when you scroll down the page
- You can now export tasks without any estimates
- Background image cropper is now always draggable
- Stream slide - no longer displays “other” category (i.e. roles that aren’t in streams)
- Breakdowns with a mix of roles and services no longer time-travel roles back to 1970