Configure G Suite


Learn how to configure your space so that users can authenticate using G Suite SSO.

Users can authenticate to Estii using G Suite SSO.

Create an application in G Suite

  1. Go to the Google API Console.
  2. From the projects list, Create a new project.
  3. Configure the project’s consent screen:
    1. Click OAuth consent screen in the sidebar.
    2. Select Internal, and click Create.
    3. Enter an Application name, and click Create.
  4. Create credentials
    1. Click Credentials in the sidebar.
    2. Click Create credentials > OAuth client ID.
    3. In Application type select Web application.
    4. Enter a Name.
    5. In Authorized JavaScript origins, click Add URI and enter
    6. In Authorized redirect URIs, click Add URI and enter
    7. Click Create
    8. Copy your Client ID and secret in the dialog that appears.

The Estii application is now successfully set up in G Suite.

Add values to Estii

Using these Client ID and Client secret values and a Discovery URL of you can Configure OpenID Connect directly in Estii.